When to start?
Where to start and how to sow?
How to keep happy?
Hollyhocks are treasured for their ability to attract butterflies and hummingbirds. They produce perfect flowers for floral arrangements, and excel in mass plantings. These tall plants swiftly create spires of flowers up to 5 or 6 feet, perfect for the back of borders or as a blooming screen. Although they bloom their second year from seed as biennials, their self-seeding ensures continuous blooms every summer.
Staking is a good idea. The wind can knock the tall flowers over.
Staking is a good idea. The wind can knock the tall flowers over.
In ancient times, hollyhock symbolized fertility and abundance, believed to bring prosperity and good fortune. Today, these flowers continue to grace gardens worldwide, spreading joy. The edible leaves offer a mild flavor, perfect for salads, soups, or cooked dishes. Only young leaves should be harvested for culinary use. In the language of flowers, hollyhock represents ambition and fruitfulness, symbolizing the pursuit of goals and the rewards of labor. Victorians often included hollyhock in floral arrangements to convey these sentiments.
Our mission is to keep you on the edge of your gardening seat with mind-blowing, avant-garde designs that will leave your plants wondering if they've stumbled into an art gallery.